At BRINK & CAMPMAN we are committed to respecting the law and acting with integrity. The Integrity Passport, our BRINK & CAMPMAN Code of Conduct, applies to everyone at BRINK & CAMPMAN and provides guidance on how to deal with key integrity and legal issues.
Our supply chain includes suppliers all over the world. We expect our business partners and suppliers to support the principles set out in our BRINK & CAMPMAN Supplier Code of Conduct and promote them throughout the entire supply chain.
BRINK & CAMPMAN is committed to investigate all potential compliance violations of our Integrity Passport, the BRINK & CAMPMAN Supplier Code of Conduct, our internal policies and applicable laws, including human rights and environmental sustainability.
We encourage anyone who has knowledge or suspicion of an actual or potential compliance violation, related to BRINK & CAMPMAN or caused by a BRINK & CAMPMAN supplier, to use our available Whistleblowing channel to report concerns.
Customer complaints and questions on BRINK & CAMPMAN products cannot be processed through the whistleblower system or the listed reporting channels. Please contact the BRINK & CAMPMAN Customer Service for support.
Whistleblowers will not suffer any adverse consequences if they report a possible violation in good faith.
BRINK & CAMPMAN is committed to address any potential compliance violation of our Integrity Passport, the Supplier Code of Conduct, our internal policies and applicable laws, including human rights and environmental sustainability. We promote a culture of open communication and trust. We encourage our employees, business partners and anyone who has knowledge or is potentially affected by potential risks or violations to speak up and raise their concerns.
The following describes how to raise a concern about an actual or potential compliance violation without fear of retaliation and how such reports are handled within BRINK & CAMPMAN.
Which concerns can be reported?
We encourage everyone to report any concerns about actual or potential violation of our Integrity Passport, our Supplier Code of Conduct, our internal policies and applicable laws, including human rights and environmental sustainability (further referred to as ‘Compliance Violations’). This should be made in good faith, i.e. there should be at least a reasonable ground to believe the reported circumstances are true. Reported concerns can relate to:
- Integrity Passport and BRINK & CAMPMAN internal policies, e.g. violations against fair competition, anti-bribery and anti-corruption. Examples: offering money to the decision-maker of a possible client to be awarded a contract; or collusion with another company offering the same service to achieve a certain price.
- Human rights and environmental risks or violations in the supply chain, e.g. disregard of occupational health and safety, working time, freedom of association, child labour, forced labour. Examples: hotel staff working excessive working hours, workers at suppliers are not adequately protected from accidents at work.
- Other violations of federal and international legislation and directly applicable legal acts and national criminal law offenses
Who can report a concern?
Brink & Campman encourages everyone (e.g. employee, customer, supplier, worker at a supplier, former employee, local resident or other) who has the knowledge or suspicion about an actual or a potential Compliance Violation caused by the economic activities of BRINK & CAMPMAN or by a supplier of BRINK & CAMPMAN to use the available channel below to report concerns.
Whistle Blowing Report Channel
You have the option to report anonymously or provide your contact information. Your information will be treated confidentially.
If you have left your contact details, we will contact you at the latest after 3 months with regard to the measures to be taken.